
Each "thing" is the movement of something else.
There is no essence anywhere.
Pride and humility are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Success and failure are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Smart and stupid are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Awake and asleep are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Good and evil are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Noble and base are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Strong and weak are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Industrious and lazy are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Bitter and sweet are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Pleasure and pain are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Attraction and aversion are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Real and imaginary are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Bondage and liberation are I dentification
Awareness sees them both

Everything arises in Awareness, is seen, and passes away
Awareness allows everything, without resistance or clinging
Nothing sticks

There is no such thing as Awareness

Quarks are a concept. They can't make anyone do anything.
Coercion is a concept. It has never happened outside of a mind.
"Me" is a concept. It can't be forced to do anything.
"Do it" is a concept. It has never happened outside of a mind.

"The quarks made me do it?" That's a laugh!


Looking elsewhere for satisfaction,
I overlook the treasure in front of me.
Noticing what is right now
Satisfaction appears spontaneously.


Understanding arises in awareness (or not) just like everything else.



yet present to taste, hear, see, smell, touch, think, feel

that's what I am
that's what is ...

... what is tasted, heard, seen, smelled, touched, thought, felt

Desire is imagining something I don't have right now and wishing I
had it. Or wishing to not have something I do. In either case, desire
is always for an imaginary situation, one that does not exist right now.
"Awakening" is just not being distracted by thoughts of future, past,
me, you, them, my stuff, your stuff, wants, needs, hopes, fears,
grudges, worries, anxiety, what I "can't wait" to do, what I'm
dreading, boredom, excitement, whether I'm happy, whether I'm
comfortable, whether there's an "I", blah, blah, blah.

No need to get rid of the thought, just the distraction.


One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them,
In the land of Mordor
Where the shadows lie.
- J.R.R Tolkien, Lord of the Ring


One Self to love it all,
One Self to see it,
One Self to bring it forth,
And in the light to be it,
In the space of clarity
Where it all is seen.
- Self, another story


The only time anything happens is now.
The only place anything happens is here.
Satisfaction, despair, gratitude, excitement, fear, sadness, joy,
thinking, acting, perceiving only happen in this moment, in this
place. Where else is there for it to be?

Be here now. There is no other possibility.


Attachments are just ideas. All attachments are to ideas, not to
something real. I can't be attached to what's real because it's what
I already am.


All there is to do is watch.

Watch thoughts come and go.
Watch emotions rise and subside.
Watch sensation flicker in and out of awareness.
Watch what happens "out there".
Watch "me" appear and disappear.
Watch belief happen and pass.

Just watch.


An identity ("id" entity) is an entity that wants something.
even to call It "awareness" is anthropomorphizing
All there is to do is watch.

Watch thoughts come and go.
Watch emotions rise and subside.
Watch sensation flicker in and out of awareness.
Watch what happens "out there".
Watch the body do this and that.
Watch "me" appear and disappear.
Watch belief happen and pass.

Just watch.


If universal awareness has no attributes, how can one who is universal consciousness be "liberated" or even "universal"?
The desire for peace defeats itself. To have peace, let go of the desire for it.
We are what you can't imagine.


Most of the time, before trusting a new method, we look for some evidence that the new method is providing accurate information. We look for some alternative method to corroborate the results of the new method being considered. If the new method doesn't agree with previous methods, it is not trusted.

There is no alternative method to corroborate observation. The only way to get corroborating information is through another observation. How can we know that both observations are not mistaken or incorrect?

Thus, there is no way to prove that observation is a valid method.
Mental objects are the only evidence that there is anything at all.

Mental objects appear and disappear automatically. Nothing can be done to control them.

That which observes objects is not itself an object, so there is no evidence that it exists.

All that can be done, all that has ever been done, is to watch the objects come and go.

Feelings are just more objects, coming and going. They will arise and pass as they are "supposed" to. Nothing can be done to control them either.

If happiness, satisfaction, gratitude, joy, peace are supposed to arise, they will. If not, they won't.

There is nothing "I" can do.