From the perspective of the organism, all activity is about survival, then about comfort, then about pleasure.
From the perspective of awareness, none of the activity matters at all. It's just things moving around. Nothing really changes.
The organism doesn't need to be ashamed of its desire to survive and what it does in pursuit of survival, comfort, and pleasure. Awareness doesn't look down its nose at the "selfishness" of the organism.
Sometimes awareness uses organism A to help organism B, but not always. Just because an organism is not being used in such a way is not the organism's fault. That A is being used in a helpful way is not to A's credit. It's just what's happening.
From the perspective of awareness, none of the activity matters at all. It's just things moving around. Nothing really changes.
The organism doesn't need to be ashamed of its desire to survive and what it does in pursuit of survival, comfort, and pleasure. Awareness doesn't look down its nose at the "selfishness" of the organism.
Sometimes awareness uses organism A to help organism B, but not always. Just because an organism is not being used in such a way is not the organism's fault. That A is being used in a helpful way is not to A's credit. It's just what's happening.
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