
Life is a photo album.

At each moment, a page turns.

Once a page is turned, it's gone. There's never a second chance to look at a picture that has passed.

I find some pictures pleasing, others less so.

Sometimes I don't look at *this* picture because I'm distracted by *that* one. But *that* one is just another picture in the album, another page being turned.

I can look at the pictures or close my eyes.

Sometimes I close my eyes because I think I don't like the current picture.

But by the time my eyes are closed, I'm not ignoring the one I didn't like, but the next one.

Sometimes it seems I can choose to look at this picture or that one. Maybe so.

Sometimes it seems I can choose to look at the picture or close my eyes and ignore it. But even if I can choose, the choice winds up applying to the next moment, not the one I'm in when I make it.

Is ignoring the picture ever a good idea? Is it ever something I want to do? Can ignoring a picture ever bring satisfaction? Can ignoring *this* picture ever avoid pain in the moment without bringing a less desirable picture down the line? How would I know?


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