Adventure lies beyond my zone of comfort. As long as I insist on staying inside my comfort zone, I'll find what's familiar.
Experience provides evidence for impressions (thoughts, emotions, images, sounds, flavors, smells, sensations) and that which registers the impressions (call it Awareness, Consciousness, God, Reality, whatever). Anything more is a speculative story about the meaning of the impressions.
Any time there's a sense of there being something at stake, there is also a belief in a "me", with something to lose or something to gain.
A character in a dream cannot leave the dream. When the sleeper wakes up and the dream ends, what happens to the character?
Sin is the illusion of having made a mistake. The only mistake is believing that it's possible to make one, and that mistake is completely harmless.
If there's nowhere to go, whatever I do or wherever I go, I'll wind up in the same place -- where I started.
Sin is the illusion of having made a mistake. The only mistake is
believing that it's possible to make one, and that mistake is
completely harmless.
believing that it's possible to make one, and that mistake is
completely harmless.